Yifan's signature online self-study programme teaches you everything you need to know about discovering and owning your style. Here is what's covered inside the programme.
A wardrobe full of clothes but still nothing to wear? Holding on to clothes just in case? Feeling you've lost the sense of style? Don't like what you see in the mirror? I'm presenting you with the very first step of reclaiming your style and the inner power you were born with. Detox your wardrobe, detox your life. So you can create space physically and mentally to receive what you truly desire.
Welcome to the first of my 2023 Live Free Masterclasses! January is about a fresh start and letting go. What's better than giving ourselves permission to spend some quality time with ourselves in our wardrobes? This masterclass is about:
You are invited to join in and watch the replay. Don't forget to drop me a line if you have any questions or feedback.